1st newsletter

1st project newsletter (April 2017)

SUCCEED - StimUlate finanCial eduCation to foster EntrEpreneurship and Development

We are involved in collaboration with European partners, and with the support of the Erasmus+ program, in a new project named SUCCEED (StimUlate finanCial eduCation to foster EntrEpreneurship and Development).

As its name suggests, the main objective of this project is to strengthen entrepreneurship by increasing the financial skills of (future-)entrepreneurs. To achieve this, the SUCCEED project aims to create a stable and permanent platform of MOOCs, educational schemes and examples, training courses and replicable examples for students, trainers and practitioners.

Our work is to create innovative content, to provide pedagogical skills, technical skills and crutial information on financial education matters. This training will enable trainers to stimulate financial education of a large number of beneficiaries and by doing so, it will increase their self-entrepreneurial potential.

Closing the financial literacy gap

According to multiple papers published by the OECD and the EBF, as well as results coming from past European projects, there is a financial literacy gap. ICT tools will be developed not only to improve training methods but also to provide a useful tool in order to understand basic financial and economical mechanisms. The project will follow a very precise methodology, inspired by the division of work based on each partner's experiences and resources.

The SUCCEED project is a partnership between 8 European ORGANIZATIONS

The project consortium is composed of 8 partners, handpicked between Education/Training institutions and promoters (CCIL, FUNIBER, SATEAN), operators and consultants in the domain of financial institutions (CBE, CONFORM), networks of enterprises/business incubators (RES, FVB/The-Hive) and experts in ICT applications in the training business (BICERO).

  • CCIL (Luxembourg) – Camera di Commercio Italiana in Lussemburgo (Leader)
  • CBE (Belgium) – Coopération Bancaire pour l’Europe
  • FVB/The Hive (Italia)
  • RES (Belgium) – Réseau d’Entreprises Sociales
  • BICERO (Slovenia) – Center za Poslovno Informatiko Rozman
  • FUNIBER (Espagne) – Fundación Universitaria Iberoamericana
  • CONFORM (Italia)- Consulenza Formazione e Management S.C.A.R.L
  • SATEAN (Romania) – Fundatia SATEAN

In order to achieve this ambitious goal, this project of 3 years is first starting by analysing the current situation in each country. This analysis aims to identify innovative and needed skills that will be tested and evaluated throughout the duration of the SUCCEED project. This phase will result in the description of the current situation through six national maps of TNAs and financial conclusion.

To share our work with you, multiple events and learning activities will be organized throughout the project in the different partners' countries.

Progress of the project

The first phase of the project has already begun and consists of conducting a study with a panel of entrepreneurial experts as well as potential entrepreneurs in all of the European countries that are involved. The results of this study will be presented on a map. This map will be the starting point for the creation of MOOCs and methodologies.

Future events

Several events will be organized around the SUCCEED project. We will provide you with information about each of them.

The first event will be held in Italy. We will present the results of the needs analysis, the various initiatives already existing in each of the European partners' countries. We will also define a common starting point for the development of training modules. After that, another conference will present all the results of the SUCCEED project. This second event will take place in Brussels and will introduce the first concrete steps of the project.

About Erasmus+

Erasmus+ is the EU's program to support education, training, youth and sports in Europe. Its budget of €14.7 billion will provide opportunities for over 4 million Europeans to study, train, gain experience, and volunteer abroad.

To learn more about the Erasmus+ program, click-here.