4th Newsletter

4th Newsletter - August 2018

Creation and testing of the MOOC, finalization of the training contents, adaptation of the webserie, confirmation of the agenda, meeting in Brussels: the SUCCEED project becomes more and more concrete!

The MOOC is under construction

The first version of the MOOC is finally online! You can access it HERE. Currently, not everyone can access it yet. We are looking for volunteers for testing the first training modules. If you wish to join the test, we invite you to contact us on the MOOC page presentation.

The final testing of this MOOC is planned in may 2019 in Ancona, we will present there all the training modules through this innovative and adaptive tool. The objective of this MOOC is to correspond as best as possible with the personal needs of the learners.

Finalization of training contents

At the same time, we are finalizing the training content after having integrated the assessments made during the learning activity in March 2018 in Luxembourg. This meeting, thanks to all the participants, allowed us to better visualize the needs of the learners. Thanks to their participation, we can now finalize all chapters for learning basic financial management skills.

Multiplier event (28/6) and project Meeting (29/6) in Brussels

The end of June was an opportunity for the public from Brussel to discover the project. CBE organised at june 28th the multiplier event to present different parts of succeed project and to give opportunity to Limix to present his project. Limix is a enterprise with a big social impact on people by developing the “Talking Hand”. This product aims to help hearing-impaired people to communicate with others. While the presentation, we especially discover the entrepreneurship process and the way how the entrepreneurs can find financial resources to develop and launch their versions of products. Click here to access to the presentation of Limix.

The next day, june 29, all partners see eachs other in Brussels after the learning activity of March in Luxembourg. In particular, while the project meeting, we validated the agenda for the next meetings and the content of the trainings.

Webserie #5TOSUCCEED: social enterprise “BIO-WATER”

The 4 episodes are now available on SUCCEED website. Don’t hesitate to discover the social impact project of entrepreneurs in the film! You can already watch that great entrepreneurship adventure here.

In addition to the Italian and English versions, the webserie will soon be adapted in the languages of the partners thanks to the subtitles in French, Spanish, Slovenian and Romanian. The deadline is scheduled for September.

Upcoming Events

Two events are being organized around the SUCCEED project. The first one is a Multiplier Event is on the 25th of September 2018 and the second one a Meeting Project is on the 24th of September of 2018.

The Events will be held in Barcelona (Spain).

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